Come On, Spill the Tea!

What bothers you the most working in the nonprofit sector or working for a nonprofit?

Hey! We know it can be frustrating (or worse) to work in fundraising. But who do you get to complain to about it? And do they have any answers?

We launched a podcast, Come On, Spill the Tea! The subject is YOU, your woes, your worries, and your triumphs. Share the juicy details of the latest, or most tragic-hilarious frustrations. We promise no careers or reputations will be harmed in the production of this podcast.

Why are we doing this? Because bad experiences in fundraising are all too common, and most of them could be resolved or avoided with a little attention to procedure. Have you experienced anything like this?

Some clueless board member demands you run an unscheduled golf tournament

You’re an MGO, but now you have to cancel a prospect meeting to find auction items for next week’s gala

You raised more this year than you did last year, and now you’re told to raise three times as much next year

You worked your fingers to the bone all year but got a lousy performance evaluation, based on stuff you never knew you were supposed to do

Come on, Spill the Tea! is a safe space for you to get it off your chest and tell us what bugs you, what’s irritating or worse, and what you’d love to change, if only you could. 

Not only will we listen, we’ll give you feedback. And your comments and experiences will become the discussion points on the air. We might ask you to join us as a guest, but you’re welcome to remain anonymous.

Share the Juicy Details Right Here

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